
Final requirement - Sociological paper -

Sociological paper is the last requirement for this sociology class. But it does not mean really the "last". I will give you small assignment for coming week.
I simply want to inform you this earlier since we won't have much classes on September.
As you know, we won't have classes during Intramural and Penafrancia, which made me sad :(

You know what is the "sociological paper". I won't discuss here what does it mean. Simply put, it is "human" related action.

Examples of possible topics:
Littering, Street Children, Teacher and student relationship and so on...

** I strongly recommend that topic must be related to your daily life or you observe which made you wonder.

Contents: You can read the assigned reading for the session of social research.
If I can mention, I will say the following; 
1) Addressing issue(s)
2) Justification of #1
3) Hypothesis 
4) Methodology 
5) Result
6) Conclusion
Deadline of submission: Each class has different date so, I won't post here to avoid confusion. 
Format: Free (Be creative) .It is up to you how to present your research. 

I also accept the group work. But I accept the number which is maxim three (3) persons in one (1) group.


Please feel free to ask if you have any questions and qualification. 
My consultation time: 
MWF 1:30- 2:30
TTH 2:30-4:30

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